Aideen Butler of AB Therapy offers counselling and therapy sessions in Lymington and surrounding areas. Aideen is accredited and experienced in providing therapy sessions and gives you the support and care you need to resolve your problems.
Contact AB Therapy to arrange a free thirty minute session covering places near Lymington and on-line elsewhere.
The issues that can be explored in therapy include a wide range of mental health concerns such as
- depression
- anxiety disorders (including Generalised Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety, Health Anxiety)
- post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
- body dysmorphia, self harm
- workplac stress, redundancy
- grief
- self-esteem,
- panic
- phobias (including agoraphobia)
- worry
- avoidance, procrastination
- trauma (including complex trauma)
- anger, emotion regulation
- sleep
- motivation
- long-term health conditions
- and others.
Aideen Butler of AB Therapy is a psychotherapist and counseller based in Christchurch BH23, resolving anxiety and depression issues in Dorset, Hampshire, Wiltshire and online to the rest of the UK.