


These notes contain some practical information to help you understand what to expect with online sessions and provide some tips to make sure the process runs smoothly.

There is no reason for them to be any different to us sitting together, physically in the same room. The rapport between us, the sense of safety and the therapeutic progress can be just the same.

If I anticipate the need for any documents or worksheets to be used during a session, I will try to email them through to you before the start. Please have them ready to refer to during the session. I may also send documents to you once the session has ended.

Below are some pointers to help you make the most out of our online sessions.

  1. Treat the session as you would a face-to-face appointment
    • Allow sufficient time to prepare beforehand
    • Attend on time
    • Do not cancel at the last minute
    • Come prepared to do the necessary therapeutic work
    • Be ready to feedback on the between-session tasks we have set
  2. Have your computer or mobile set up before the session commences. This includes
    • Have your microphone and video turned on
    • Position your computer or mobile at a sensible height so that I can clearly see your face and the camera is at eye level
    • If more than one person will be participating (the purpose of this would need to be agreed with me in advance) then please make sure that I can see everyone clearly
  3. Ensure background noise is kept to a minimum such as a washing machine
  4. Make sure you will not be disturbed for the duration of the session and that the door to the room you are sitting in is closed. If a door is not possible we must have adequate privacy and confidentiality
  5. If you are using your computer, keep your mobile out of reach and with the sound muted so that it does not cause interference or distraction.
  6. Check that there is adequate lighting in the room
  7.  Have session materials ready such as a pen and paper available to make notes


I will not be recording any of our sessions unless this has been mutually discussed and agreed and a consent form has been signed by you. I ask that you will not record the sessions without prior agreement from me.

You must not let anyone else listen in to any part of the online session via phone or any other technical device or in person without prior agreement. If convenient you might try using headphones during the session to prevent any distracting background noise and improve sound quality. They could increase privacy if that is required.

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